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Essential Oil Images Membership Re-Opens

7 FREE dōTERRA Posts 

with content copy for your Social Media

Below is your FREEBIE content! We hope you love it!  You can use it for your social media, include these posts in your Email Newsletters, Printed Handouts, Personal Messages, Team Apps and much more!

We have suggested images and graphics for you to use however people will connect with YOU so to make it feel autheitic and real make sure you are still sharing your face and images of you so your customers can connect with YOU! 

Lastly, Have fun with this calendar and make it yours! Good Luck!  

Images and Graphics

Text and Captions


The Peppermint plant has been used since 1000BC and has been valued as a multi-purpose plant and an essential oil whose components are now used by cosmetic, culinary, and health industries around the world.

doTERRA’s Peppermint oil is approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia and when when used aromatically, it:

• Supports cognitive or mental function.
• Helps reduce and relieve symptoms of mild head tension or headache.
• Is traditionally used in Aromatherapy to relieve cough.
• Reduces and relieves flatulence.
• Support general health and wellbeing.

Here are some other ways you can use your bottle of Peppermint:

– Add a drop to water and swirl it around your mouth for a refreshing mouth rinse.
– Use it in your cooking! It makes a great addition to a smoothie, a hot chocolate, or any chocolate dish for that matter.
– Inhale Peppermint directly from the bottle for an afternoon pick me up and enliven your senses. This will also help you to feel more energetic. Perfect for use at work before writing a report or a long session at your desk.
– Make yourself a peppermint foot lotion and give your feet some love.
– After too much fun in the sun, grab your Peppermint and Lavender and apply topically the soothe and cool the skin.
– Peppermint oil can be a natural solution to get rid of ants and bugs in your home. Many bugs and spiders dislike the potent smell of peppermint so place it around windows and doors or on a cotton ball in areas where bugs like to stay.

Peppermint is extremely potent and a little bit goes a long way. Did you know that one drop of doTERRA peppermint oil is equal to 25 cups of peppermint tea?

Share in the comments your favourite way to use Peppermint oil.


One of the things I love about doTERRA is the work they do through their Healing Hands Foundation.

From the very beginning, doTERRA® Founding Executives had the vision of “bringing healing and hope to the world through providing global communities with the tools needed to become self-reliant – empowering individuals and changing lives.” Their desire and commitment to “establish a pattern of giving” carries forward.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® is working to empower people and communities worldwide to make a positive change. Through partnerships for global impact, matching support for Wellness Advocate Projects and by facilitating community development projects in Co-Impact Sourcing® areas, people are empowered and lives are changed.

Check out the impact you have when you purchase your oils, home and self-care products from doTERRA at 


When was the last time you cleaned your diffusers?

Regardless of the type of diffuser you have, learning how to clean your diffuser is important to ensure its longevity. Mark your calendars monthly as a reminder to give your diffuser a deep clean by running water and vinegar through for a few minutes.

To keep your essential oil diffuser in perfect running condition for years to come, clean your diffuser after each use by wiping it out and letting it dry before using it again. For a quick clean, it is a good idea to diffuse Lemon oil for a short time. This makes it easier to clean out any residue or water lines before you wipe it out.

Be honest, when was the last time you cleaned your diffuser? There is no better day than today to do it!


Do you have a four legged pet that you LOVE?  Share a photo in the comments and tell us their name!

How can we forget our furry four legged friends this month! In many homes, pets are an integral part of the family so it’s important that we keep their health in mind when we are using essential oils.

Dogs and cats in particular have 200–300 million olfactory receptors (humans have only 5–6 million). Their sense of smell is very sensitive, so when you are diffusing oils in your home, be sure to use a water-based diffuser and only diffuse 4–5 drops at a time in an open area where your pet can leave the room if desired.

There are many resources out there to support you with using oils to support your pets, check out for a great book you can purchase to further your education in this area.



With its clean, fresh and citrus aroma, Lemon is known for its purifying properties but has a variety of uses and benefits. It is often used in cleaning for its cleansing characteristics. You can use this oil aromatically, topically and for flavouring use.

Here’s something you may not know about lemons – in one year, a single lemon tree has the potential to produce between 225 and 275kg of lemons. It typically takes around 75 lemons to fill a 15mL essential oil bottle.

Lemon oil is comprised of chemicals called monoterpenes which are generally known to have uplifting characteristics which is why when you smell it, you feel uplifted and energised.

doTERRA sources their lemon oil from citrus orchards in Sicily, Italy,
where families who have grown lemon and Bergamot for generations help grow and harvest the lemons that go into making your bottle of oil!

A must have in every home!

Tell me, how did you first use lemon in your home?


I just love this quote – Drop an emoji  in the comments if you agree! 


My Essential Oils travel everywhere with me! My purse is always full! I always have ___________ & ____________ on me! Which Essential Oils are in your purse at the moment?

Drop your answer in the comments below

Each month you could receive 

30 graphics/images and content copy

just like this!

Meet the Creators

About James

Hey! I’m James, the creator of Essential Oil Images. Thanks for being here.

After picking up a camera in my mid 20’s I realised my passion for photography and capturing the beauty in the world around me. I have fallen in love with capturing natural light, and the happiness it brings to me, when I can share it with others.

This membership is created to make your life easier and give you instant access to thousands of resources to build your dōTERRA Business.

– Creator of Essential Oil Images

.About Sarah

Platinum leader with doTERRA and Creative Designer, I love being able to combine both my love of natural health and essential oils with my love for design.

Building my own doTERRA business, I know how much work goes into creating graphics and education for my social media, emails, website and oils community. So I am thrilled to be able to share my skills and graphics with you through this membership. This will save you time – so you can focus on getting oils into people’s hands and homes.

– Creator of Graphics

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